Tuesday, September 4, 2007

and the knit goes on...

So I thought I would post some progress shots and update everyone. Now that the move is done, and I don't have any shows coming up until Christmas time, I have had lots of time to work on things. I am also looking ahead to what I will do with my Christmas knitting. I have a few things I know some people will get, others not so sure yet.

I have also started going to the Yarn Exchange, which is the shop here in town. I discoved on line that they have a knitting round table on Fridays, so last week I figured what the hell. I met some wonderful people, had a great time, and really great conversation!! I also got to explore the stock they have there, oh the fun! They have the sock yarn I am useing now there as well, so exciting! I also met another spinner there, though she is quite good and I am still breaking my wool on the spindle every few twists. Still she turned me onto so good local fiber shops, so as I improve I will know where to go.

So onto the pictures!!

my first sock is almost done!! Turning the heal took some doing, and several tries, but it actually looks like a sock now!!

A scarf I am working on for my hubby. he picked the yarn, and it is really looking sharp. However it is fuzzing something awful and driving me nuts!!

And finally....

A scarf that took 3 generations to make!! My mom wanted to learn to knit in high school, so my great grandma decided to teach her with this scarf. My mom found it this summer cleaning out my grandma's house, still on the needle 2/3 of the way done. I decided to finish it and mail it to her as a suprise. Quite a fun story!!


historicstitcher said...


found you!!

it's fun watching the self-striping yarn show its colors, isn't it? You're getting so good at knitting!! I'm glad you found some local spinners, too.

Tell my bro to call me! ;)

Sheryl aka: KNITIDIOT said...

I love the socks! I want to knit some but I am too scared!